
Letters, Oct. 8, 2023: ‘Prime Minister choosing his fall guys’

Calgary Sun

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So former House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota resigned for recognizing Ukrainian Canadian soldier Yaroslav Hunka in Parliament and then discovering that he volunteered for a Nazi unit during the Second World War. Prime Minister Trudeau finally apologized, after failing to erase the embarrassing and disgraceful incident from the official record. If Poland tries to extradite Hunka for war crimes, Trudeau will, no doubt, be missing in action and leave the decision-making to one of his many fall guys. Just watch him!

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(The whole situation has been utterly shameful.)

All we have left is hope

On Monday, Prime Minister Trudeau was interviewed on CBC-TV. Watching and listening to him is difficult at the best of times, but I gave it a try. After a few minutes, I was forced to change the channel. After some deliberation, I decided I might have been too hasty and switched back. His disingenuous tone of voice, his duplicitous choice of words and his attempt to ingratiate himself with the host by continually bobbing his head was more than I could take. Like many others, I was taken in by Justin Trudeau’s charisma and promises to do things different. He got my vote in 2015, but never again. The best thing Justin Trudeau has going for him is Pierre Poilievre, the superficial leader of the Conservatives. The best Pierre Poilievre has going for him is Justin Trudeau, an emperor with no clothes. The best thing Canadians have going for them is hope — hope that someday a credible, competent citizen will become PM.

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(‘Credible’ is often in the eye of the beholder.)

Monumental debate

(Re: Edmonton Jewish Federation renews call to remove Nazi-linked monuments.) For the record, you won’t get any argument from me if all these statues are thrown down in a blink of an eye. Furthermore, what imbecile or imbeciles decided to erect these statues in the first place? This is totally mind-boggling, to say the least!


(It’s a timely and personal discussion.)

PM on the hotseat

With a public inquiry into election interference finally set to get underway, it’s good to know the prime minister will testify “willingly” and with “enthusiasm.” Being willing makes sense, because having to be subpoenaed would certainly reflect badly on him. However, I suspect our PM’s enthusiasm will quickly wane, once he’s informed that perjury is not only a “teachable moment,” but also a criminal offence.


(So long as the inquiry gets to the bottom of things.)

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